
Market Position Global Visibility Report

Identify Your Market Position and Distinguish Your School

In today's digital-first world, understanding your school's position within the noisy online landscape of international schools is essential for retention and growth. You want to be sure families know what your school has to offer and why it's the right choice for them before they set foot on your campus. 

At IMPACT Marketing International, we know that every school is unique and has a reason to stand out from the crowd, but too often, it's hard to tell one school from another in today's digital world. Our Market Position Global Visibility Report is designed to provide a comprehensive analysis of your school's online visibility and reputation in relation to your unique value proposition and other regional schools. We offer insights that pave the way for meaningful strategies that set you apart. 

Whether your school's reputation is established on a global scale or within specific market segments, our audit serves as a critical tool in establishing your reputation and informing your marketing strategy, offering a detailed blueprint for success in a crowded digital space. Here's a quick look at some of the benefits of a Market Position Global Visibility Report for international schools:

  • Insight into your precise market positioning
  • Identification of unique opportunities for online differentiation
  • Enhanced user engagement and experience optimization
  • Empowerment to make informed, data-driven marketing decisions

If you're ready to take the first step toward meaningful marketing strategies, fill out our short form and connect with IMPACT today!

Click here to find out if the offer is still available in your region.




Are you looking to differentiate and stand out among your region's competitive landscape of international, independent, and private schools? In the rapidly evolving digital world, standing out among an increasing number of options for families and faculty demands more than a basic online presence. It requires a deep understanding of how your online presence stacks up next to others and how you convey your school's unique value proposition to prospective students, families, and faculty.

Competitive Digital Marketing Audit for International and Independent Schools

At IMPACT, we specialize in empowering schools like yours to express the true essence and experience of your community and get visibility for that message in today's digital landscape. Our comprehensive Market Position Global Visibility Report is designed to provide actionable insights, helping you distinguish yourself from others, drive enrolment growth, increase your brand visibility, and much more. It's not just about identifying where you stand; it's about understanding the why and how to leverage this knowledge to your advantage.


Secure your school's audit today!


A Deep Dive into Your Digital Presence

  • Global Authority Index
  • Content Marketing Evaluation
  • Website UX, Optimization, and Effectiveness Analysis
  • Regional School Social Media Presence and Engagement Analysis
  • Landing Pages Assessment
  • Website SEO Review
  • Keyword Ranking and Competitor Search Analysis
  • Competitive Brand Message Perception
  • Opportunities to Differentiate

Why IMPACT'S Audit?

As the first marketing agency to focus on international schools around the world and with over 10 years of experience in this niche, IMPACT understands the complex and diverse nature of international education. 

Here's why partnering with IMPACT is the strategic choice for your school's digital marketing ambitions. 


Tailored to International and Independent Schools

Our seasoned team's expertise extends beyond digital marketing basics to a profound comprehension of the international school landscape, ensuring strategies that resonate deeply with your unique audience.

Actionable and Meaningful Recommendations

You'll receive a detailed report brimming with strategic insights and actionable recommendations, all tailored to refine your marketing approach for meaningful and measurable success.

In-Depth Regional Analysis

With a keen eye on your unique brand story, we examine your digital footprint against your top digital "competitors" to deliver a comprehensive report outlining recommendations, strategic insights, and implementation suggestions. 

Not a One-Size-Fits-All Approach

Recognizing the individuality of each school, we create bespoke strategies that reflect the distinct character and goals of your school. Our strategies are crafted to accentuate your strengths and address your unique challenges and aspirations.



Your school is unique, and we strive to honour that; our integrity depends upon it!

We have made an intentional choice to limit our work to just one school per region. Why? Because we believe in the power of exclusivity to give your school an unrivalled advantage.

We understand that standing out in your area is crucial, and our product aims to achieve just that, ensuring you can connect more efficiently with your target audience.

Let's work together to empower your educational mission, connect more effectively with your audience, and affirm your place as a leading educational institution.


Fill in the form to find out if your region is still available.


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